Soccer Practice Plan
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Inform players that theme is first touch and communication.

Juggling: Working individually, juggle the ball, keeping track of best result. Target is being able to juggle your age.
  • Hints
    • Hint 1: Start with thigh
    • Hint 2: Put backspin on the ball
    • Hint 3: Alternate feet
First Touch: Work with a partner or in threes. One player serves the ball in the air to the feet of the next player, who settles it in preparation for making a pass, then picks it up and serves back to the first player (or on to the third player).
  • Progressions
    • Progression 1: Serve to the thigh, then the chest, then the head
    • Progression 2: Volley back to the hands of the server
    • Progression 3: Juggle the ball among 2 or 3 players
  • Hints
    • Hint 1: Eye on ball
    • Hint 2: Balanced posture
Remind players that theme is first touch and communication.

Box 3 v. 1: Set out cones to form squares with sides of about 20 feet, one square for every four players. Put one player on each corner of the square. Have one player start with the ball. The opposite player is the defender. The defender tries to steal the ball. The three offensive players pass the ball along the perimeter of the square. This forces one offensive player to always be moving to support the offensive player receiving the pass.
  • Progressions
    • Progression 1: One touch
  • Hints
    • Hint 1: Receive ball with back foot
    • Hint 2: Firm passes
Three-Touch Keep-away: Two uneven teams (starting with Nv2) play keep-away. Offensive players can only use a maximum of 3 touches. Have other offensive players call "man on" and "time." Defenders talk to coordinate.
  • Progressions
    • Progression 1: Convert offense to defense until teams are even
    • Progression 2: Limit to 2 touches
  • Hints
    • Hint 1: First touch away from defense to set up pass
    • Hint 2: Play the way that you are facing
    • Hint 3: Know where you are going to pass before you get the ball
Remind players that the theme is first touch and communication.

Scrimmage: "Freeze" for coachable moments.
  • Progression
    • Progression 1: Initially, don't allow any talking
    • Progression 2: Change to 3 touch, then 2 touch
  • Hints
    • Hint 1: Call "man on" or "time"
    • Hint 2: Man-to-man defense
    • Hint 3: Goalside defense
    • Hint 4: On defense, don't watch the ball unless you can also see your man

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