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Lord of the Dance

Monday morning.
Twenty-five miles.
Annoying clicking sound emanating from general vicinity of bottom bracket.
Twenty-five long miles.
Like Chinese water torture, only of Taiwanese manufacture.
Completed ride.

Took off and reattached pedals.
(Not unlike rebooting a computer or burning a witch--can't hurt to try. Unless you're the witch.)
Swapped out SPD clips.
Three days of rain.
Blessed silence.

Friday morning.
Twenty miles.
Annoying clicking sound emanating from general vicinity of bottom bracket.
Reboot has failed.
Unclipped on right.
Pedaled left leg only.
Annoying clicking sound emanating from general vicinity of bottom bracket.
(Sean said it sounded like "Lord of the Dance.") Reclipped on right.
Unclipped on left.
Pedaled right leg only.
Blessed silence.
Reclipped on left.
Annoying clicking sound emanating from general vicinity of bottom bracket.
Twenty long miles.
Like Chinese water torture, only of Taiwanese manufacture.
Completed ride.

Why not remove and reattach left crank arm?
(Not unlike rebooting a computer or burning a witch--can't hurt to try. Unless you're the witch.)
Not even a five minute task.
Bike on stand.
Left crank arm off.
While I'm there, might as well pull the entire crank and clean the general vicinity of the bottom bracket.
Both wheels removed.
Bottom bracket clean.
Seems wrong not to clean rest of frame.
Frame clean.
Rims now dirty by comparison.
Seems wrong not to clean rims to match.
Rims now clean.
Upon closer inspection, too much dirt in cassette.
Cassette's now clean.
Chain rings now dirty by comparison.
Seems wrong not to clean chain rings to match.
Chain rings now clean.
Wheels back on.
Can't very well run that dirty chain over such clean teeth.
Chain now clean.
Sixty minutes later.
Typical for a five minute task.

Saturday morning.
Thirty-eight miles.
Blessed silence.